Certified Passive House Designer Exam - December 2023

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The Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te fixes the ex­am­in­a­tion dates and pre­pares the ex­am: The exam lasts 3 hours. The ex­am is based on the fol­low­ing learn­ing tar­gets and in­cludes mul­tiple choice ques­tions, con­struc­tion de­tails draw­ings, cal­cu­la­tions, as well as a Pass­ive House design ex­er­cise. Please note that a val­id PHPP li­cense is needed to re­gister for the ex­am, as a PHPP is re­quired to design Pass­ive House build­ings.

Date: Friday June 17th 2022

Time: 12pm EDT

The exam will be online and can be written from home.

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