This online prep course is designed to prepare you for writing the Certified Passive house Designer/Consultant (CPHD/C) exam. The course has been designed to cover topics not covered by the Passive House Design and Construction and PHPP course including calculations and example exam questions.

Topics covered include:

  1. PH Energy Balance
  2. Insulation
  3. Airtightness
  4. Thermal Bridging
  5. Windows
  6. Heating and DHW
  7. Economics
  8. Retrofits
  9. Construction Management
  10. Passive House Design Exercise

Learning targets for the Certified Passive House Consultant/Designer Exam can be found here

Schedule: Access to the online platform will begin upon enrollment and will end 8 weeks after.The course is currently open for continuous enrollment.

Select a pricing plan and sign up

Your Instructor

Andrew is a seasoned Passive House trainer, consultant, and building certifier accredited by the German Passive House Institute. His professional and academic experience ranges from consultancy, programme management, technical and non-technical articles and publications, course and lecture delivery, and technical research. He has been delivering high quality educational courses for over 22 years, including 13 years of PH training, both for Passive House Canada and independently.

Andrew has a tremendous depth of knowledge and experience in building energy performance and technology assessment and modelling. This includes managing the UK Government’s innovative carbon saving technologies scheme and the Energy Saving Trust’s Best Practice Helpline. He also had the good fortune of working at the Passive House Institute, developing algorithms for the PHPP.

Andrew is a former founding board member of Passive House Canada and tireless, passionate advocate for Passive House.